"Natalie was recommended to me by a close friend.
Before he mentioned her I had little interest in or knowledge of Akashic Records.
I am at a crossroads on my life/career and thought Natalie could shed light on the future path.
Natalie communicated very clearly before the session so I could prepare myself in peace.
I didn’t really set any expectations on the session itself besides walking out learning something useful.
I let Natalie pace the beginning of the session and as we progressed the next questions and discussions came out very naturally.
If I have to sum up the whole experience by a keyword it is ‘hope’.
Natalie empowered me with useful tips and guidance for me to keep growing and fulfill my soul journey.
I personally really appreciated her style, very calm and kind, a gentle session.
I feel I need the lessons to settle in first before I see her again.
Even for those like me who were not familiar with the Akashic records I would totally recommend this experience,
it is very mind and heart opening."
- Alexis

I feel much better now than before. Really thanks for the universe's and your guidance Feel comfortable because of your patience and softness

今日多謝你既解說 祝你身心靈事業發展愈來愈好,幫到更加多既人。 我感受到你既能量好清,warm, 同埋有種幸福喜悅

開完紀錄後一星期已經感受到改變 謝謝Natalie讓我接觸到阿卡西紀錄~😊 nat講出的都準, 令我好似慢慢地面對自己的問題 而且透過healing後,我好似真係無咁害怕去探索 自從跟你冥想, 之後再自己試下感覺到個腦無再咁多野諗,平靜左

Nat好好人逐一解答 過程舒服冇壓力 仲會比到指引同方向 對自己了解多咗明白 自己需要改善之處 希望之後的路會走得更順利

We appreciate our spiritual guides, earth, gods for their time, power and energy sharing with us. Let's live on.

講到我今世同前世課題 同我本身嘅經歷都好相似 更加了解自己令我知道之後個方向 同改善自己地方

令我了解自己多咗 感覺好神奇 有時未講到Nat已經feel到 做完之後好開心 好多正能量 又多咗方向 知道自己可以點樣發展

可以聆聽到守護靈嘅話 好好整理、面對自己嘅需求 當你幫我睇到前世嘅時候 同我自己做冥想時見到既 時代係一模一樣! 我真係好驚訝!❤️ 希望能夠真係學識聽著個心去做想做嘅野 唔好再壓抑自己 好多謝你❤️

我的人生方向清晰了 這幾天伴隨著你曾經給過我的天使數字

非常神奇準確 亦為我將來帶來明確方向 成個氣場能量好好 好舒服 謝謝你

估唔到用 Zoom 開 Record感覺都好舒服! 成個過程同 Nat &指導靈都 傾得好愉快!!

指導靈佢都俾咗好多訊息我 咁岩好臨近放榜個人好迷惘 聽咗之後個人都多咗自信 係一個好神奇嘅體驗