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Akashic Records Mindful Consultation

阿卡西 - Akasha原為梵文(आलयविज्ञान),它的意思是空間、“乙太”或指宇宙的原始能量。


阿卡西記錄又稱為“生命之書”(Book of Life),蘊含著整個宇宙的歷史,



Akasha, originally translated from Sanskrit (आलयविज्ञान), means space, ether, or the primal energy of the universe. Space is omnipresent and encompasses many substances that are imperceptible to the naked eye, aligning with the Buddhist philosophy of "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form". 

The Akashic Records serve as a soul library, connecting various layers of our being while also recording our actions, belief systems, subconscious thoughts, and emotions across different timelines - past, present, and future. This ancient knowledge has been accessed by civilizations such as Egypt, Tibet, and Hindu

for centuries, long predating modern human civilization.





透過讀取紀錄有助早覺察領我們的人生,理解問題和關係背後的意義, 宏觀地協助我們領悟事件的前因後果從而決定當下,有助未來的人生與事業等方向, 活在當下, 真正活用吸引力法則, 活出真我。

Not only humans, but all living beings on Earth, including animals, plants, crystals, and rocks, have their own unique Akashic Records. By tapping into the Akashic Records, we can assist others in understanding the universe and themselves more deeply, ultimately overcoming their current obstacles and achieving greater happiness in life.








當你內心一直有一些疑問而身邊人沒能夠解答你的時候 可透過諮詢從不同的角度得到啟發

➣ 對現在的人生方向感到迷惘(如事業 愛情等)


➣ 想了解自己多一點

➣ 有些問題 事情不斷重覆發生 希望找到解決方法

➣ 對前世今生很好奇 想了解與現世的關聯

"Why something happened repeatedly in my life?"

"How can I live a happier life?"

"Why can't I forget about a certain person?"

"Why am I so interested in ancient civilizations and the universe?"

These questions may be leading you to an awakening as they may be related to experiences from your past lives.

When should you consider to consult Akashic Records?

When you have persistent questions that those around you cannot answer, it may be worth exploring the Akashic Records for inspiration.

➣ Feeling lost in your current life (such as career, love, etc.) and hoping to have alternative advice in understanding things and decision making.

➣ Wanting to understand yourself in a deeper and profound level.

➣ Experiencing recurring problems or situations and seeking solutions.

➣ Curiosity about past lives, future possibilities and wanting to understand the connection to the present.



像平時聊天一樣 放鬆心情便可


視像諮詢 60分鐘 - HKD $1000

會面諮詢 60分鐘 - HKD $1200

雙人諮詢 60分鐘 - HKD $1600

諮詢如需加時,可在雙方同意下延長解讀 +30min/$400





阿卡西紀錄解讀 重新與自己的靈魂連結❤️

Consultation Style

One-on-one conversation chat

Pricing and Energy exchange:

Online consultation (60-minute)  - HKD $1000

In-person consultation (60-minute) - HKD$1200

Two Person Relationship Consultation (60 min) - HKD $1600

Extension the duration of consultation

 for +30min/$400 with both parties' agreement

Consultation Language: Cantonese / Mandarin / English

Sai Ying Pun

It is recommended to sink in and prepare a list of questions and well rested to connect with Akashic records before consultation.

Akashic Records - Reconnect with your soul ❤️

Woodland Path

Consultation Topics

現世層面 - 事業/愛情/家庭/關係/天賦/健康/將來/財務

靈魂層面 - 前世今生課題 /人生藍圖/​因果業力緣由/指導靈/內在小孩(情緒)

Current Life - Career, Love, Family, Relationships, Talents & Abilities, Health, Future Possibilities, Finance

Soul & Energetic Level - Past lives, Life Blueprint, Karmic cycles, Commitments, Spiritual Guides, Soul contracts, Inner child (Emotions)

























✦我有個問題困擾了好久, 可以怎樣做? 有什麼建議?

✦我想了解自己的人生方向, 現在要留意的地方是?



✦我可以做些甚麼, 令我和(某人)的關係改善?







Sample Questions


Inter-Personal Relationships

✦ How can I improve my relationship with my family?

✦How can I resolve the problems of communicating with my family?

✦ How can I meet the right partner?

✦ How can I improve my relationship with my partner/ex?

✦ Why can't I forget about a certain person? What is our karma/ Past Life?

✦How can I improve my relationships with my children?

✦ How can I handle if my friend groups no longer satisfy me?


✦ I am not satisfied with my current job,

how can I work for something that I enjoy?

✦ How can I improve my work situation?

✦ What can I do to make my career smoother?

✦ What type of job is suitable for me?


✦ Why can't I save money?

✦ How can I earn more wealth?


✦ Why does a certain part of my body hurt for no reason?

✦ Which chakra do I need to pay attention to?

Soul level

✦ Why did my soul choose to be here at this moment?

✦Who is my spiritual guide(s)? Why did he/she become my guide?

✦What is my current life lesson that I need to be aware of?

✦ I have a problem that has been bothering me for a long time,

what can I do? Any advice?

✦ I want to understand my life direction,

where should I pay attention to now?

✦ I want to understand the karmic relationship/connections with (someone). What lessons do I need to learn?

✦ Emotionally, what are my soul wounds/ truama relating

the present life issues?

✦ What can I do to improve my relationship with (someone)?

✦ What are my soul qualities (personality/strengths) that

I can improve my life?

✦ What directions for body, mind, and soul exploration are suitable for me?

✦ What is my past life? What is the relation between my current life?

Yearly Fortune

✦ This year/next six months/next year, regarding career, love, and life, what things do I need to pay attention to and prepare for in advance?

Highlights of Akashic Records Sharing Event & Workshop

Natalie was recommended to me by a close friend.

Before he mentioned her I had little interest in or knowledge of Akashic Records.
I am at a crossroads on my life/career and thought Natalie could shed light on the future path.
Natalie communicated very clearly before the session so I could prepare myself in peace.

I didn’t really set any expectations on the session itself besides walking out learning something useful.

I let Natalie pace the beginning of the session and

as we progressed the next questions and discussions came out very naturally.
If I have to sum up the whole experience by a keyword it is ‘hope’.

Natalie empowered me with useful tips and guidance for me to keep growing and fulfill my soul journey.
I personally really appreciated her style, very calm and kind, a gentle session.
I feel I need the lessons to settle in first before I see her again.
Even for those like me who were not familiar with the Akashic records

I would totally recommend this experience,

it is very mind and heart opening."

- Alexis


Nat講出的都準, 令我好似慢慢地面對自己的問題















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